Tuesday, September 18, 2012

First attempt

Well friends, here it is...my first blog and attempt at fullfilling (what I've been told by many) is supposedly my destiny.  I've not a clue what I'll be writing about, just that writing is something that I enjoy, seem to be fairly good at, and that apparently others earnestly enjoy reading my attempts at literacy (much to my surprise).  Well..since my husband always says I love to hear myself talk, perhaps this way I'll have a captive audience; and if not, I'll never know that I've lost your attention so at least my feelings won't be hurt!  (Hey - I can FEEL you leaving already...please read on a bit and give me a chance!)

I've titled my blog "intuition rules" (mostly because everything else I attempted to select in the preceding half hour was taken by those wittier, more imaginative and obviously more timely at starting a blog than myself) but also because I recently took a career test that defined my personality as a "Spontaneous Idealist" (which sounded laughable to me actually...) and it described me as having an "uncanny intuition".  Admittedly, upon reflection, most of my life I have had little to rely upon except my intuition and it just may have saved my hide a time or three.

So for those of you as unfamiliar with career or personality tests as I was, I just Google'd it and up popped a number of free options for both.  I found them quite interesting (but perhaps that's just my personality) and the results very enlightening.  At this point in time, I find myself considering a career change (once again) due to restrictions "put upon me" rather than by personal choice.  (There's a history there to delve into and we're not going to go there right now - that's a whole other blog-worthy site in itself!)

And so, what do I happen upon as career posibilities? - a number of things I have already done (at least I've been on the right path so far) as well as a few things that I often considered:

Consultant - check (not paid much mind you, but it's on the resume)
Psychologist - check (well, pretty much!  As a nailist, or as some like to call me; "manicurist", I got to hear many a story and proffer my wisdom. Again, another whole blog story)
Entrepreneur - check, check, check, check (a few times...)
Actor - check (well, entertainer actually, but really the same thing - and another story)
Teacher - check (yeesh!  I really have done a lot of stuff!)
Conference Planner - check (I gave it a valiant effort but a little thing like funding helps)
Marketer - ooooh, oooh, oooh!  (I've been self-taught & loved it - it's under consideration...)
Career Councellor - hell, I can't even figure out my own shit when it comes to that!
Artist/Painter - it's on the bucket list - and would be in memory of you Grampa Jack...
Musician - with my lungs, I'm told I really missed my calling!  JAAAACCKKKK!  RYYYAAAN!
Editor - seriously, doesn't anyone use spell/grammar check?  I always find type-o's!
Writer/Journalist - check (and there it is folks - my future destiny?)

So!  Today I start my blog and as a true rookie, I'll work out the kinks and figure it out as I go along.  I'll try to share some insight, words of wisdom (take it for what it's worth), a few laughs, and my story as it unfolds, or if we ever get around to those "other" stories, the past stories which have created the woman I am today. 

Thanks for reading!


  1. Blogging is a great form of expression - like a public diary :) Do it for yourself & your passion & honesty will attract others :) I wish you success in whatever path you take next! :)

    1. Amanda! How nice hear from you! I was like, "who's this Symon guy and how did he get access to my post?!"

      I would like to find ways to create a visually more interesting blog and wonder if you can make suggestions. I see ur using a new site, is that what it takes? Ideally I would like to create a following - what's the best way to do that?
      Damn I sure miss working with you! I cherished those days when we laughed and created together. I loved that you could help me create my visions both in business and marketing in general. Thanks for being the partner along the way. And just for the record, I was always beside you for support if you would truly allow me in. (I read your dark heroine posts...)

  2. Aww thanks lady ^__^ Of course, that was a long time ago, and I was a very different girl back then. I was going through so much and i didn't share it with anybody, not even my own mum :( Since then I've learned that even the toughest among us need to share our burdens sometimes, and thankfully I've found a place in my life where those burdens aren't nearly as heavy! ^__^ I always enjoyed working with you too!! :D

    I blog now on Wordpress, mostly about my creative endeavours: art, graphic design and sewing mainly :) I find Wordpress to be a very user friendly platform, and easy to customize. I'm not all that proficient on the web, but you choose a basic design, and if it allows a custom banner, it tells you what size your banner has to be so you just make an image and crop it to that size, upload it and voila! LOL.

    As far as getting a following, I'm sure you'll be MUCH more successful at that than I am! I've been blogging for almost a year now and have less than 50 followers, but you have tons of friends and clients to start with so I'd use Facebook as a jumping off point and just let them know when you make a new post :) Using tags and categories help your blog show up in Google searches for those topics, so make sure you don't forget to add them! ^___^

    That's about all I know LOL - I will look forward to seeing what new things you have to say to the world! ^__^

  3. Good for you for getting this started Christine! There really aren't any "rules" in the blogging world. Write about what you feel like writing about, when and however you'd like, that's the beauty of it all! Formatting, graphics, etc will all come to you as you poke around blogger. Perhaps start by playing in the "Templates" section for backgrounds and headers, and the "Layout" section for adding content, etc. I did it all with the help of Google! Most importantly, do it for yourself, and enjoy it! (ps - this is Bianca lol)
