Well friends, here it is...my first blog and attempt at fullfilling (what I've been told by many) is supposedly my destiny. I've not a clue what I'll be writing about, just that writing is something that I enjoy, seem to be fairly good at, and that apparently others earnestly enjoy reading my attempts at literacy (much to my surprise). Well..since my husband always says I love to hear myself talk, perhaps this way I'll have a captive audience; and if not, I'll never know that I've lost your attention so at least my feelings won't be hurt! (Hey - I can FEEL you leaving already...please read on a bit and give me a chance!)
I've titled my blog "intuition rules" (mostly because everything else I attempted to select in the preceding half hour was taken by those wittier, more imaginative and obviously more timely at starting a blog than myself) but also because I recently took a career test that defined my personality as a "Spontaneous Idealist" (which sounded laughable to me actually...) and it described me as having an "uncanny intuition". Admittedly, upon reflection, most of my life I have had little to rely upon except my intuition and it just may have saved my hide a time or three.
So for those of you as unfamiliar with career or personality tests as I was, I just Google'd it and up popped a number of free options for both. I found them quite interesting (but perhaps that's just my personality) and the results very enlightening. At this point in time, I find myself considering a career change (once again) due to restrictions "put upon me" rather than by personal choice. (There's a history there to delve into and we're not going to go there right now - that's a whole other blog-worthy site in itself!)
And so, what do I happen upon as career posibilities? - a number of things I have already done (at least I've been on the right path so far) as well as a few things that I often considered:
Consultant - check (not paid much mind you, but it's on the resume)
Psychologist - check (well, pretty much! As a nailist, or as some like to call me; "manicurist", I got to hear many a story and proffer my wisdom. Again, another whole blog story)
Entrepreneur - check, check, check, check (a few times...)
Actor - check (well, entertainer actually, but really the same thing - and another story)
Teacher - check (yeesh! I really have done a lot of stuff!)
Conference Planner - check (I gave it a valiant effort but a little thing like funding helps)
Marketer - ooooh, oooh, oooh! (I've been self-taught & loved it - it's under consideration...)
Career Councellor - hell, I can't even figure out my own shit when it comes to that!
Artist/Painter - it's on the bucket list - and would be in memory of you Grampa Jack...
Musician - with my lungs, I'm told I really missed my calling! JAAAACCKKKK! RYYYAAAN!
Editor - seriously, doesn't anyone use spell/grammar check? I always find type-o's!
Writer/Journalist - check (and there it is folks - my future destiny?)
So! Today I start my blog and as a true rookie, I'll work out the kinks and figure it out as I go along. I'll try to share some insight, words of wisdom (take it for what it's worth), a few laughs, and my story as it unfolds, or if we ever get around to those "other" stories, the past stories which have created the woman I am today.
Thanks for reading!